Enrapture Totem Styler | My Wavy Hair

Enrapture Totem Styler | £59.99* (Currently on offer for £39.99 at Boots - Link)

One of the most common questions to hit my inbox or comment box revolves around how I style my hair.  Although it's almost always wavy or curled in some way, my hair is actually pretty straight naturally and I've tried all kinds of hot tools and products over the years trying to achieve my desired look.  I love having wavy hair - it's so versatile and doesn't take a great deal of time to achieve once you've got the hang of it. If you wash your hair every other day like me, then it's a good way of keeping it from looking lifeless between washes - you'll often find that once slept on, second-day waves actually require no styling at all - great for when you need to get to work sharpish!  The Enrapture Totem styler is my new addition to my styling tools collection.  It's definitely not your average curling iron - in fact,  it's much more swish... Let me explain why!

The Enrapture Totem styler allows you to fully control the curls you create - from soft, beachy waves to perfected ringlets. Gone are the days where you need to hoard a vast array of different contraptions for different styles -  the Totem Styler allows you to create all kinds of looks with ease.  The wand allows you to control the amount of heat emitted by the barrel at different 'points' using a simple numbered dial - meaning that you can control whether or not you want a tighter curl at the root, or a looser, more voluminous look from root to tip.  For the look shown above, I used the setting '1-2-2', meaning that the curl would be looser at the root, and more defined towards the mid-lengths and bottom layers of my hair.  This is the look I usually opt for - I'm not a big fan of full-on ringlets and like it to look as natural as possible.  I've since played around with the settings a little more, and I find that a '2-2-2' setting (an even, medium heat) creates a similar look but with more definition around the top sections of hair - these 2 settings have become my 'go-to' for creating my hairstyle. A quick spritz of hairspray and I'm good to go.

Since using the Totem Styler, I have noticed a big difference in the way my hair looks after styling.  The titanium plated barrel prevents snagging and help keep your hair smooth and frizz-free.  My hair always feels sleek afterwards and the curls are always beautifully defined, without any frizzy, coarse bits that other wands can tend to leave if you aren't careful.  The Enrapture Heated Rollers are actually another one of my favourite hair tools to use (you can read my review here if you're interested!) and I've found that they provide a similar look and feel to the hair - Enrapture products really do give a perfected finish that I haven't found with other hair tools - they leave your curls looking sleek and soft and perfectly natural rather than over styled. 

I really do love the Totem Styler and I adore Enrapture as a brand.  I still think my  trusty heated rollers have the edge sliiiightly, but I often use the two tools together - touching up little bits with the Totem once I've volumised using the rollers.  Together they have become my little dream team for wavy hair and I honestly couldn't live without them.  They give such a unique look that I haven't been able to achieve with other tools.  Are they worth the money? Absolutely, yes. If I woke up tomorrow and found that they had tottled off somewhere I'd repurchase them without a second thought. Even if you're a beginner when it comes to styling, each product comes with it's own instruction booklet with step-by-step instructions of how to create different looks (they also have videos on the website - so handy!).  Although I was sent the Totem to review, I loved the brand even before I got my mitts on it.  My Heated Rollers were actually a Christmas gift from my mum, and I loved them straight from the first use - my experience with Enrapture has been excellent and if you're looking for a new styling tool, I'd really recommend you take a look at what they have to offer.  They take a little more practice than other tools (it took me a couple of trys before I managed to get a hang of the Totem properly!) but once you've got the 'knack', you'll never go back ;)

You can find the Enrapture website here.
Or take a peek on Boots website (they're on offer for £39.99!)

Fancy having a look at how my hair looks when I've used the rollers? Have a read of my post here!

Have you tried the Totem Styler? How do you like to style your waves?

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