How to Get Long Healthy Hair - An Expert's Tip

We spend a lot of time looking at our hair, touching it, tending to it: Choosing the most effective shampoo and conditioner.When we’re trying to grow our hair it can be an extremely frustrating process however. We gaze in the mirror everyday wishing for a miracle yet still our hair grows slower than a snail’s pace. It’s a nightmare!Washing, blow-drying, and styling it. Coloring it. Curling or straightening it. But that doesn't necessarily mean our tresses are healthy.
A-list hair stylist Anthony Nader gives his insider tips for growing a long,thick mane.
"Treatments are the key for maintaining beautiful lush and healthy hair. Keep in mind there are various kinds of treatments on the market for different hair types, which always require the consumer to read instructions on timing and application."

Healthy hair

Healthy hair tips and guide to growing long hair

People often don't have a good hair routine.That’s why I’ve been doing my research and have found these forty methods which are said to make your hair grow faster and keep your hair healthy.Here goes -

Healthy hair tips
  1. Up Your Folic Acid Intake
  2. Stay Away From Heat
  3. Targeted Shampoos and Conditioners
  4. Get a Trim Every Six to Eight Weeks
  5. Egg White Mix
  6. Drink More Water
  7. Don’t Shampoo So Often
  8. Eat Lots of Protein
  9. Eat More Vitamin B
  10. Don’t Stress, Just Relax
  11. Scalp Massages
  12. Say No To Ponytails
  13. Don’t Brush Excessively
  14. Biotin Supplements
  15. Eat More Leafy Greens
  16. Use Coconut Oil
  17. Lay Off The Sugar
  18. Commit To Succeed
  19. Nut and Seed Snacks
  20. Hot Oil Massages
  21. Deep Conditions
  22. Use Essential Oils
  23. Potato Hair Masks
  24. Use Onion Water
  25. Exercise!
  26. Buy A Wide Toothed Comb
  27. Tie Your Hair Up
  28. Argon Oil
  29. Don’t Brush Wet Hair
  30. Aloe Vera, Egg, and Brandy Mix
  31. Avoid Silicone Based Hair Products
  32. Use Natural Hair Products
  33. Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse
  34. Never Condition Your Scalp
  35. Avoid Hair Products
  36. Protect Your Hair With Palm Oil
  37. Wear Hats and Scarves
  38. Eat Up
  39. Sleep With Loose Hair
  40. Use Silk Pillow Covers.

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