Monthly Advertisers | October & a Little Advertising Update...

Evening fellow birds - and a HAPPY HALLOWEEN to you! I hope you've all had tremendous amounts of fun carving pumpkins and such-like... I can't say I've done an awful lot aside from sit in lectures for 5 hours. Riveting.  The end of the month can only mean one thing - it's time for my monthly advertisers! It's a fabulous way to discover blogs that you may not yet have stumbled upon and introduce to you the lovely folks who have been sitting in my sidebar since the beginning of October.  Don't forget - I have even more fabulous bloggers advertising with me this month so don't forget to head on over to my sidebar for even more potential reading list additions! I shall hand you over to this month's exclusive advertiser Becki - over at Bow's, Beauty and Becki...

Becki | Bows, Beauty & Becki 

Hello Lovelies, I'm Becki and I have a beauty blog called Bow's, Beauty & Becki.  I mainly do beauty themed posts but I also like to add some fashion posts and share my thoughts.  You can expect to read TAG'S, product reviews, hauls, OOTD's and Whats on my face posts as well as my general ramblings.

I've been blogging on Bow's, Beauty and Becki for over a year and I am looking forward to my wee blog growing, I love blogging and I like to put time and effort into my posts so that they are the best they can be.  I would love for you to go over and check out my blog, you may just like it!
 Bryany | Bryany Ellen
| Blog | Twitter | Bloglovin' | Tumblr | Instagram |
Hello, I'm Bryany a twenty year old blogger swapping between studying at uni and blogging about things I love.  I post about snippets of my life, all things beauty (good or bad) and any shopping spree's I go on.  So you've guessed it, my blog is a Lifestyle, beauty and fashion(ish) kinda blog.  I post OOTD posts and I'm going to start doing some FOTD's too (if the spots stay away!). I hope you'll like my little space on the internet, come say Hi. :)

Joy | Jay-Ann
Blog | Twitter | Tumblr | Bloglovin'
Hi lovelies. I'm Joy and I write over at Joy-Ann rambling about anything in relation to beauty, lifestyle and just random things in general.  When I was a little girl, I always begged my mum to buy me the magazines that had those little palettes so that I could use it when I was attempting to apply makeup :) (I'm sure we've all done that at one point) I really was horrendous at it but that passion seems to have stayed with me for a very long time and after reading and adoring tons of blogs, I decided to start my blog. 

Chloe | Chloeabelle
Blog | Twitter | Instagram | SheSaidBeauty | Email: |

Hello, I'm Chloe & I'm the blogger behind Chloeabelle.  I've just turned 21 & I'm from Scotland - Glasgow to be precise.  Chloeabelle started out as a wee hobby but became more of a huge passion since November - I can't believe I've been writing my blog for just over two years - blog birthday last & I have loved every minute of it - it's hard to think what I would be doing if I didn't have my blog! - boring.  I have been a lover of make-up since I bought my first black eyeliner inspired by Avril Lavigne & decided to take a Make-up Artist course in 2011 for some extra tips & tricks.
Chloeabelle is mainly about Beauty & my lifestyle - who doesn't love to have a nosey into other's lifes ;) but I do throw in some fashion OOTD's for a mixed variety.  Blogging has dusted off the cobwebs on my photography & artistic skills & also improved my writing skills too. Chloeabelle has given me some amazing opportunities with blogging events where I have met some amazing people, who I can call my friends & the brilliant & friendly blogging community over on Twitter - you are all the best!  I adore my followers & would love to say thankyou for sticking around :) Thankyou for taking the time to read this & visit my blog, I love finding & reading others, so don't hesitate to leave a comment or a tweet with your blog link or even a Hi :) I love talking to new people.

I hope you've managed to find some new blogs to read - pop on over to my sidebar and say hello and do let me know if you've found yourself a new favourite (don't forget there's even more blogs to be found in my sidebar that haven't been featured here so don't miss out!)

ADVERTISING UPDATE: Unfortunately, due to final year university commitments, I am temporarily suspending my advertisment feature at the end of December.  It won't be forever, and I will still be blogging every week as usual (fear not, no matter how snowed under with work I get I will never ever quit Bird's Words-ing!) - but I just wanted to get back to basics for a while and re-start once I've completed my main assignments and projects.  I shall be sure to let you know when I begin again and will do a quick update post once my spaces are back up and runnin' (I'm guessing it will be around February/March time).

This said, if you want to advertise with me in December and grab a space before I take a rest for a couple of months, please do get in touch! You can find more about my prices (from £3) and stats over here.  Don't hesitate to email me at or just drop me a tweet and I shall sort it all out in a shake of a puppy dog's tail for you :)

Which blogs have you been loving this month?

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