Mac False Lashes | The '35 Lash'

Mac False Lashes in '35' | £10.00 | Link

For me, false lashes are always a must for special occasions.  They photograph beautifully, add definition to the eye and enhance your natural peepers like no mascara on the market ever could.  I have my graduation coming up in November and will be having lots of photographs taken... as well as having my Dad video 'my bit' on stage - yup - as if I wasn't feeling a bit iffy already about taking a tumble on stage and faceplanting the principal - my Dad decides to nudge the tension up a notch and I'm now facing a lifetime of replays on 'You've Been Framed' should the unthinkable happen.  Anyway, graduation-fears aside, I wanted some eyelashes for the occasion that looked fairly natural, but also ones that would add thickness and length - a little like the effect of lash extensions.   I was browsing around my nearest Mac store the other week, and decided to have a look at their false lash selection.  I really loved the look of the '35 lash' and swiftly took them to the till.  At £10, they aren't the cheapest of lashes but I really wanted to break out of my 'Eyelure 101' comfort zone and try something a little new.

Now then, I apologise for not showing the lashes on both eyes with the right sort of makeup, but if you wear false lashes then you'll know there's nothing like wearing them for the first time and they can quickly get 'gloopy' if you're not careful - so I wanted to preserve their new-ness as best I could for my graduation (hence why I've only photographed one).  I know the photographs of my 'few hours old' makeup don't show these beauties up to their best potential - but hopefully you can get a good idea of the length and fullness they give.  The Mac website says that the lashes provide 'dramatic length and eye-opening fullness to the centre of the eye' and I have to say, they really do give a lenthening, naturally full effect.  I love that the lashes have a partly invisible band - this only adds to their 'natural' look and when you look down, you can't see the tell-tale 'line' that a lot of false lashes seem to have.   They're also not completely black which only adds to their appeal for me - they have a mix of dark brown shades mixed in so that they don't look completely false.  They are undeniably long - almost a little too long and when I put them on I wasn't sure I'd picked the right ones, but I reckon with the right makeup and a toned down neutral eye (without the lashings of mascara I'd obviously put on here!), they will look lovely and 'swoopy' without being too much. When you turn to the side they do look rather lengthy to say the least, but the fact that they look so natural and light means that you can sort of get away with it - they look very much how lash extensions would and don't have that 'plastic' look that a lot of falsies tend to have.  They feel and look like natural lashes. We will see how I feel on the day about wearing them - but even if I don't decide to rock them for my graduation I will surely be using them for a Christmas party sometime soon (yes it's October and yes I've just mentioned Christmas #sorrynotsorry).  I did read somewhere that they're easily re-shaped and it's possible to trim a tiny bit of the length off - so I shall see what they look like with my makeup on the morning... Watch this space!

Overall, it's so far so good.  I will be sure to post some sort of 'face of the day/night' when I do decide to wear these out and hopefully I will have a bit of spare time before my graduation to take a few photos of my makeup.  If you're after something a bit different when it comes to lashes, I'd recommend checking Mac's selection.  They have a little bit of everything from natural to full-on 'drama' and they're also really nicely packaged and well made.  I have to say that I found them incredibly easy to apply - I found the length of the band to be just right for my eyes (I usually have to cut a small amount off) and they didn't feel too heavy or uncomfortable on first impressions either.  

Have you tried Mac's False Lashes?

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