Anxiety Relief & Relaxation | 5 Products for a Calmer Mind

If you've followed my blog for a while or have had a delve and a rummage through my older posts, you may know that I suffer with panic attacks.  From time to time, I can feel a little bit edgy and although it's impossible to take it all away completely, there are some products on the market that I have found to be very good at helping me to relax and soothe my mind a little more. I know there's a lot of people out there who suffer with panic attacks and thought I'd share with you some of my favourite products that I reach for when I need a bit of calm in my life.  If you're going through a bad patch, you'll be amazed at how much good a little bit of 'me time' will do and hopefully you will pick up some tips and tricks from this post.  Even if you don't suffer with anxiety, you may find some of the products of interest for those days where you just need a little bit of a pick me up... Because we all need a little bit of TLC sometimes, right?

Elemis | Spa Home: Quiet Mind Relaxing Bath Elixir | £19.00 | Link
There's nothing like a relaxing, hot bath when you've had 'one of those days'. It's amazing what a difference they make and I always find that I fall asleep so much easier if I've had a bath of an evening.  Just recently, I decided it was about time I treated myself to a new bath soak and Elemis came to the rescue! This bath elixir has the most relaxing, luxurious scent which lingers on your skin once you've stepped out of the bath. I simply pour a little bit into running water and let the fragrance do it's thing.  Blended with cocoa butter and rich in aromatic oils,  it leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth afterwards. I always find myself feeling really sleepy and relaxed once I've used this! Totally worth the money in my opinion - it would make a lovely Christmas present for a friend or relative who's been going through a bit of stress recently.  Elemis also do a matching massage oil which I have on my wish-list! The scent is unbelievable and it's without a doubt one of my favourite fragrances when it comes to 'stress relieving' products.

Bach | Rescue Remedy | £9.99 | Link
I won't say too much about this one since I did a full review a while back (you can find that here if you're interested!).  I always have a bottle of this with me.  In fact, I have 2 bottles on the go at the moment - I keep one on my bedside table and one in my makeup bag for on the go.  I've used this since I did my GCSE's and I've always find it helps me along a little bit if I'm feeling a bit panicky or stressed out.  I prefer the 'dropper' version, but if you're not fan of the taste then they also do pastilles and spray versions to try.  I couldn't live without this stuff - it just takes the edge off a panic attack and helps me to feel more calm if I'm having a stressful day. I used to keep a bottle in my locker at work! Honestly, I leave a trail of these things everywhere I go...

Badger | Sleep Balm | £3.99 | Link
I've known about this stuff for years! I remember I used to use it when I first started secondary school (a bloomin' long time ago) and I've recently re-discovered it's benefits.  I'm not great with flying and I always try to sleep through the journey if I can - so there always used to be a pot of this in my flight bag!  It's a solid balm which comes in a handy pot (also - how cute is the badger?!) and is perfect for travelling or keeping by your bed. No mess, no fuss and all natural ingredients. I simply rub a little on my temples, wrists and neck before bed and the scent helps me drift off to sleep a little easier - it has a very subtle warming effect too which only adds to it's soothing properties. As with most products meant for relaxation, it contains that familiar hint of lavender - it really is such a lovely scent and has a certain 'spice' to it.  They also do a 'Yoga and Meditiation' version which I'm thinking of getting soon and a sleep balm for little ones if you have a small child who struggles to drift off.  For under a fiver each, they're worth a try and I'm so happy that Feel Unique stock them as they used to be difficult to get your paws on! They do all sorts of pots - oh they're so cute I just want to collect them all...

The Body Shop | Deep Sleep Dreamy Pillow and Body Mist | £10.00 | Link
I've had countless bottles of this stuff and I remember hearing that they'd discontinued it and feeling utterly lost! Luckily, it's still on the shelves and I will always recommend this stuff to people who really do struggle to get to sleep at night (If you're reading this, The Body Shop, please never ever discontinue this stuff - my sleep pattern depends on it!).  With camomile and blended essential oils the spray feels gentle and soothing on the skin and I always spritz it on my pillows, pyjamas and chest area before going to sleep.  It works a treat for me, and I always find I fall asleep much better once I've used this! It's perfect if you've been tossing and turning for hours - breathing the mist in deeply and taking a few calming breaths really does help relax and empty the mind if it just won't shut off.  I took a bottle of this along to London for a week with me as I knew I wouldn't sleep well with the noise - it seemed to do the trick the majority of the time! I've even been known to pack the stuff in my suitcase. Yep. Addicted.

Dermalogica | Stress Relief Treatment Oil | £16.90 | Link
The most recent addition to my anxiety army! I've recently been going for massages at a local spa/salon and I never realised just how much difference they make! I've always been a little sceptical about them but I've been proven wrong - I always leave feeling completely relaxed and ready for bed (I go at 7.30 at night and driving home afterwards can be a bit of a task if you're not careful!).  If you suffer badly with anxiety, you'll be surprised at just how much tension you hold throughout your body, and you can literally feel the 'knots' and tense-ness just disappear. Amazing. The 'undone' feeling instantly transfers to your mind-set and i've never experienced feeling so completely relaxed before! Anyway,  after my massage last week, I asked the receptionist about the oils they use - they smell gorgeous, leave the skin feeling silky smooth and warm up the muscles slightly so that you're left feeling like you're drifting on a little cloud of relaxation afterwards (I will do a little post on the massages I have if you're interested as I feel as if I'm rambling off on one now...) She wrote down the name of this one and I promptly went home and ordered myself a bottle.  The spa used the 'Dermalogica Professional' which smells a little stronger and works a little deeper (you can't buy it on the market unless you're a registered spa/salon I believe), but this one is just as good and is virtually the same.  I haven't used it much yet but I simply rub a little in around my shoulders and neck before bed and often rub a little onto my wrists during the day if I'm feeling edgy. I'd really recommend something like this if you're after a really good multipurpose relaxation oil.

And there we have my anxiety-busting army! I know this is a bit of a different post for me but hopefully you've found something of interest and feel inspired to try and relax your mind a little more! A lot of people simply ignore their anxiety and don't realise just how much difference a product or two can make - even just a relaxing bath now and again helps keep your mind at rest.  I'm looking to expand my little collection in the near future so I'll be sure to keep you all posted...

Have you tried any of these products? What's your favourite product for a relaxing treat? 

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