I'm on the Cosmo Blog Awards 2013 Shortlist!

Howdy folks! Firstly, apologies if this post looks a little scewwiff but im currently sat blogging from my iPhone next to the pool at my hotel in Greece - cocktail in hand - not the easiest of tasks ill have you know. Anyway, I just thought I'd type up a quick post to say a big massive THANKYOU to those of you who voted for me in the Cosmopolitan Blog Awards 2013. I never expected to make it onto the short list and I was so excited to find out I had (I wondered what all the tweets were about at first - until I finally twigged!). Just being on the shortlist is a massive achievement for me and my little blog and to be honest anything else that comes from it will be a fruity bonus. I feel as if I've already won (cliche alert! But very true..) I'm by no means the biggest fish in the bloggery pond - theres some big names, extremely popular blogs and personal favourites of mine on that list, so just having Bird's Words on there with those amazing fellow bloggers means the world to me! To say I'm bouncing off the walls of my apartment right now is an understatement...

If you're one of the readers that voted for little old me then thankyou so much. BIG BIRD-HUGS being sent your way! Even if you didn't vote, thankyou for being part of my blogging journey and enjoying and reading my jibberjabber. Your support has been amazing and I will continue to enjoy writing my blog no matter what happens - id like to thank every single one of you for clicking the little follow button on my sidebar.

I'm not the type to sit here and spam your news feeds and walls with links but if you voted for me last time (or even if you didn't), it would mean so much to me if you clicked the little button for Bird's Words this time round. Every vote counts and it only takes a second. The competition this year is amazing and I have to admit I've been spoilt for choice with some of the categories - but if you have a spare vote hanging around and enjoy my ramblings then it would be fabulous of you could drop me a click in the Best Established Beauty Blog category.

If you do - drop me a comment or a tweet (@Beth_BirdsWords) and I shall send you over a big bird-hug all the way from Greece (an even bigger one than last time!)

You can vote for me here - Link

Thanks again everybody :) I'm truly overwhelmed. Lots of love x x x

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