My Love For.. Soap & Glory 'Clean On Me'

Soap & Glory | Clean On Me | £5.50 - 500ml

Just recently, I've been quite stressed to say the least.  I've had uni work to do on an almost constant stream and haven't had a great deal of 'me time' the past month.  I cannot wait until my deadline is done and dusted and I can finally treat myself to a nice hot bubble bath and a pampering sesh!  A relaxing soak has been totally off the cards for me of late, but I've re-introduced an old favourite into my shower-time regime that has made things just that little bit brighter.  Soap & Glory's 'Clean On Me' shower gel. I know there's only so much one can say about a shower gel, but don't knock it until you've tried it. You'll be brushing aside the Imperial Leather rather quickly once you've copped a sniff of this little beauty (not that I'm knocking Imperial Leather, but sometimes in a girl's life you just need a little dose of pink, right?) If you're a fan of Soap & Glory, you'll love this. It smells really light, fresh and creamy - and lathers up like a dream.  Once I step out of the shower my skin feels moisturised, soft and totally pampered.  With a built-in body lotion, it gives you an excuse to skip the moisturising ritual (I hold my hands up and admit I've been slacking just recently!) and it leaves your skin feeling squeeky-clean and soft to the touch.  The consistency is more like a luxurious cream - it's very rich and smooth, meaning it's a fabulous option for dry skin.  I tend to follow up with their Righteous Butter and together I find them the perfect combination.

At £5.50, it isn't the cheapest of shower gels but this bottle will last an age - the little pump means that it's virtually impossible to waste a single drop and you don't need handfuls of the stuff to get a good lather going on! Not only that, but it looks adorable sitting on your bathroom shelf!  I can't say I'm one to get excited over a shower gel, but Clean On Me will forever remain one of my firm favourites and for me, it's worth every single penny.  It's something I tend to buy when I feel like a little pick-me-up and I know a lot of you will agree.  If you love Soap & Glory but haven't tried this - I urge you to grab yourself a bottle...

What are your thoughts on Clean On Me? What's your current favourite Soap & Glory product?

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