Balenciaga in San Francisco: the de Young exhibition

BalenciagaWe were in San Francisco this weekend for the "Balenciaga and Spain" opening lecture and symposium at the de Young museum. This exhibition is nothing short of fabulous! All of his cast of characters are present, some are like these familiar photos: old friends. Other pieces are new to public viewing. What makes the collection so special is the presentation of his work, from the mid-years focus on embellishment into his later explorations on form and drape.

The lectures helped to pull the theme together, noting the inspiration he took from Spanish apparel and regional costume. With a career that spanned most of the mid-years of the 20th century, it is interesting to view his transition in silhouette and texture, while retaining a singular viewpoint: that of a Spaniard in the world of couture.

This is an exhibition not to be missed by anyone who values the history of fashion, couture and pattern design.

The de Young press release with a summary of the exhibition: HERE

Exhibition catalog

VIEW the Symposium lecture (there is a short Preview available)

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